

Monday, March 9, 2015

2007 Betrayal

Works of literature often depict acts of betrayal. Friends and even family may betray a protagonist; main characters may likewise be guilty of treachery or may betray their own values. Select a novel or play that includes such acts of betrayal. Then, in a well-written essay, analyze the nature of the betrayal and show how it contributes to the meaning of the work as a whole.


  1. I don't feel like writing out a structured paragraph because I just did that for the 1988 one and I forgot to sign in and everything got deleted so I had to type it twice so I'm just gonna write bullets for this one. Feel free to elaborate
    -Iago betrays Othello's trust (Othello always calls him "honest Iago")
    -Othello betrays Cassio's trust (Cassio doesn't do anything wrong)
    -Othello betrays Desdemona
    -Desdemona "betrays" Othello
    -Iago betrays Emilia (killing her and manipulating her)
    -Emilia betrays Iago
    -Iago betrays Roderigo
    -Emilia betrays herself and her own values (felt guilty over succumbing to Iago's plan and not saving Desdemona
    -Othello betrays himself? (does he see himself as honorable? because he sure isn't when he kills his wife and he's pretty guilty about it)

    1. I'm so glad that you mentioned Othello betrays himself because I was thinking that too! however, he clearly does not realize it until the end which I think is one of the major reasons why he kills himself. However I do not believe that Emilia betrays herself. In her defense she does not realize that Iago is such an ass until the very end but the moment that she does she turns against him. I believe she stands by her convictions.

    2. I think Emilia feels like she betrayed herself because when she realizes Iago is an ass she feels like every value and moral belief she stands for is corrupted. *I would insert textual evidence of her values here but I don't feel like going downstairs and getting my book* I feel like she is one of the few characters who has a distinct sense of what is right and what is wrong and she knows her action in aiding Iago was wrong and she feels guilty for her actions.

    3. Woah I just realized that the last sentence made absolutely no sense. What I meant was that Emilia knew what she did was wrong and because she felt remorse over her actions it can be inferred that she betrayed her own morals.

  2. I feel as though betrayal greatly depends upon point of view. From Othello's point of view, Desdemona horribly betrayed him when in fact it was Iago. It seems as though this is the worst kind of betrayal: when it takes an extended period of time to truly learn of the betrayal. Desdemona, betrayed by her husband, feels this betrayal and wonders why any woman would betray her husband in such a manner. The betrayal happens for Iago in an opposite manner: he manipulates and betrays the other characters' ideas of him as an honest and trustworthy man, only to be betrayed by his wife, who uses honesty as her weapon. I found it fitting that his game of betrayal was destroyed by the opposite action,showing the contrast between him and the shining character of Emilia. Also I agree with the statement that Othello betrayed himself because I feel as though he tried to hold himself to a high standard by proving himself worthy of Desdemona and trying to earn respect as general. I think in the end he realizes how horribly he has been misled and his awful reaction and betrayal of his wife which led him to commit suicide.

    1. I really like your idea that Iago is betrayed by what he and others have perceived him to be. It makes sense as to why Shakespeare repeatedly emphasized "honest Iago", for he was trying to indicate that honesty would be this man's undoing. It's not quite subtle, but it's still genius. And Emilia, the one who is dying for her husband's attention, only truly gets it by telling the truth and destroying his name forever, which is what I think Erika was getting at with Emilia betraying her values.

  3. The biggest betrayal of all is Iago's betrayal of Othello. However, Cassio and Desdemona supposedly betray Othello when in reality Othello betrays them because he does not trust their honor. Iago betrays Rodergio, and he also betrays Emilia after she betrays him. Pretty much everybody betrays each other. Fun fact if you say betray in your head as many times as I just did then it'll start to sound like a word from a different language.

    1. if you say it 10x really fast it sounds like you're saying "bootay"
